Dr. Xiang talked on “Hearing the Invisible Radiation during Cancer Treatment ” at Dartmouth College hosted by Dr. Brian Pogue on 1/21/2021. This talk covered three primary research areas: ionizing radiation dosimetry (photon &. proton), electric field map, and laser dosimetry. Prospects and challenges for the clinical implementation of these techniques has been discussed. The successful development of these technologies will expand the current clinical paradigm towards precision medicine. The seminar was held on Zoom: https://dartmouth.zoom.us/j/99116334589?pwd=SXVXemliU0pGazFiWk5tcXBsbjlnUT09
Dr. Muyinatu Bell – BLI LAMP Seminar
TRUE lab seminar presentation by Dr. PRATIK SAMANT, Oct 30th 8:30 AM PST
Dr. PRATIK SAMANT, Postdoctoral Researcher from University of Oxford will present, Friday, Oct 30th 8:30 AM PST on Zoom. Please see the seminar announcement below for more information about Dr. Samant and his seminar Topic.
A new paper is out: making radiation therapy more precise
Radiation therapy is one of the most common treatments for cancer. Radiation dosimetry is a crucial process in radiation therapy to ensure that the correct dose is accurately delivered to the desired location. However, in such a widely used clinical intervention, the delivered radiation dose can only be planned and/or verified via simulation with phantoms, and an in vivo and in-line verification of the delivered dose is still absent in the clinic.
We have proposed X-ray-induced acoustic computed tomography (XACT), as a promising imaging modality to monitor the position of the radiation beam and the deposited dose during external beam radiotherapy delivery. The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of using a transperineal ultrasound transducer array for XACT imaging to guide the prostate radiotherapy. Results of this study will greatly enhance the potential of XACT imaging for real time in vivo dosimetry during radiotherapy.
Please check the details of our new publication:
TRUE lab has two presentations on IEEE IUS 2020
This year, the 2020’s IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium goes to Virtual. The TRUE lab has presented two research projects:
1304: XACT Imaging for in Vivo Dosimetry During Radiation Therapy
Mohamed Eldib, Yong Chen, Salahuddin Ahmad, Liangzhong Xiang
1023: XACT Imaging for Nondestructive Testing
Liangzhong Xiang, Yingtao Liu
Dr. Xiang is invited to speak at Stanford Medical Physics Seminar
Dr. Xiang is invited to speak at Stanford Medical Physics Virtual Seminar Series. He is going to talk on “Hearing the Invisible Radiation during Cancer Treatment ” . The seminar will be held on Zoom:
Time: Sep 8, 2020 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://stanford.zoom.us/j/91906450882?pwd=VGRYWk1TeW4wdlBaVi8wZE1PUG9idz09
Password: 903728
We are hiring: two postdoctoral fellow positions in biomedical imaging
The TRUE lab invites applications for two postdoctoral fellow positions in novel medical imaging development. Our lab is affiliated with the Department of Radiological Sciences and the Department of Biomedical Engineering at UCI. Also the lab is part of Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic and Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Position 1 (Imaging instrumentation): Candidates who have a strong background X-rays or proton radiation, ultrasonics, FPGA, VHDL, and electronics are highly encouraged to apply. Researchers with experience in photoacoustic imaging, and electroporation will be given a priority.
Position 2 (Image reconstruction): Candidates who have a strong background in 3D image reconstruction, limited view reconstruction, and GPU‐accelerated regularized iterative reconstruction are highly encouraged to apply.
The positions are available immediately and will remain open until filled. Interested candidates should send a cover letter describing your research interests, CV, and contact information of 3 professional references to Dr. Liangzhong Xiang at liangzhx@hs.uci.edu .
A new chapter begins !
As of July 1st, the TRUE lab has been successful relocated from University of Oklahoma (OU) to University of California, Irvine. We are all excited to join UCI. A new chapter begins !
Our lab is located in the Medical Science building on the UCI main campus. And the lab is affiliated to :
Radiological Sciences
Biomedical Engineering
Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic
Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center